Converting from FrontPage XP to Dreamweaver MX

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Welcome setup text images table cells



Welcome Statement

The purpose of this workshop is for students to be able to apply FrontPage XP web design experience to the Dreamweaver MX web design program by understanding the corresponding locations and functions between the programs.

Note: The individuals using this tutorial must be able to create and modify the following in FrontPage XP:

  1. Setup a web site.
  2. Insert and modify text.
  3. Insert and modify images.
  4. Insert and modify tables.
  5. Insert and modify cells.

The two programs are very similar in function and nature. The online corporate environment has adapted Dreamweaver MX at their primary web authoring tool. However, FrontPage XP is still being taught because it is an easier program to learn the basics of web design on.

In this workshop you will be able to create a simple, two page, test web site with links and images.

You will be able to insert:

  • text.
  • hyper links.
  • images.
  • tables.
  • cells.

You will also be able to locate the properties for:

  • text.
  • hyper links.
  • images.
  • tables.
  • cells.

Finally you will be able to test your web pages in a browser throughout the creation process.


Equipment Required

You will need access to a computer that has Dreamweaver MX installed. The computer must be using the Windows XP operating system.


These pages are maintained by Jason R. Kelly. Last updated 5/25/03.